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Paper in Poems

Stray Thoughts

Recent update: October 18, 2024-

कभी गौर से देखा है ट्रक की टेल लाइट को? इसके ऊपर ही मेरा नवीनतम लेख- "टेल लाइट का घूंघट" Stray Thoughts पेज पर पढ़िए.

Kids spend a lot of time for their studies. However, learing practical aspects is also equally important. Sharing a short story about it by the title- "A Brick Counting Game" in the Fursat section of page- Stray Thoughts. Please do have a look. 

Every papermaker wants to have a basis weight control much better than others. The present article Aiming towards ZERO shows how we can improvise ourselves to get better basis weight control.

कागज़ पर कवितायेँ तो बहुत लिखी गयी हैं, सदियों से लिखी जा रही हैं. लेकिन, कुछ थोड़ी सी ही कवितायें हैं, जिनमें कागज़ खुद उतर आया है. ऐसी ही कविताओं का संकलन आप देख सकते हैं, "PAPER IN POEMS" सेक्शन में. प्रस्तुत हैं, कुछ मेरी, कुछ अन्य विशिष्ट कवियों-साहित्यकारों की रचनायें कागज़ की महत्ता का वर्णन करने के लिए. Some more content added.

For Kids:

Long back, probably in 2014, I prepared two presentations for higher secondary class students. Sharing these here-

How to Excel in Competitive Examinations

How to Write Good Essays

Some paper related interesting stuff is available in the PAPER page also.

On PAPER DAY, 2024

On 1 August 1940, Handmade Paper Institute started producing paper in Pune. In the year 2018, India’s apex paper body, "Federation of Paper Traders’ Associations of India (FPTA)" initiated celebrating this day as Paper Day.

Many myths about paper have been spreading since long. In fact, all paper professionals try their best to bring facts to justify their claims. However, it is the time to have a small quiz to know what you know and find out the facts yourself. You may use Google, Bing or any other search engine to find answer on internet.


1. What percent of forest trees are being cut in India just to make paper?

2. Which species of forest trees are most preferred to make paper in India?

3. Which Indian forest is on the way to extinction to meet the wood requirement for making paper?

4. It is said that 17 trees are being cut to make one ton paper. Roughly, one ton of paper costs around Rs.80,000. Does that mean wood from one tree costs less than Rs.5000 only including cutting, transportation etc; that too if paper manufacturing costs are zero? But, why than the wood used for furniture is so costly?


Disposal of Kitchen Waste: A case study 

Disposal of municipal waste is a problem in every city. In fact, we must not ignore the fact that every action needs a certain scale of operation to give good results. Getting fruits and vegetables from own kitchen garden is not practically feasible. However, in case the logistics do not permit, having too big farms too away from cities will also not be feasible. One has to work always according to feasible scale of operation.

The same stands good for waste disposal also. A retired professor Dr. R C Agarwal has implemented this in his residence at Rajnagar Ghaziabad. Dr. R C Agarwal, who had been a colleague of my late father at M.M (P.G.) College, Modinagar, explained me in detail over phone. He has assigned just 1mx1m area in his kitchen garden. In one fourth of it, he digs a pit, around 2 ft deep. All household kitchen waste is dumped into it for nearly a month. If needed, the waste is pressed every 5-6 days. After the pit is full, the pit is covered with some soil to close it, and next pit is taken in use.

This way, after every 3-4 months or so, good manure is prepared, which he uses in his kitchen garden. He is growing many vegetables, like potato, palak (spinach), amla (gooseberry) and many other.

So, you must be wondering about the significance of scale of operation which I mentioned in the beginning. Let me explain. He owns the pits, he maintains the pits, he is the generator of waste and also he himself is disposing the same. So, he automatically ensures that the waste is segregated, and only the fruit and vegetable waste is dumped into the pits. We all know banana peals are bio-degradable. However, I have seen many people after having bananas put the banana peals in a polythene bag. Then they knot the bag from the top, and then dump it in waste bin, from where the municipal people collect and send to disposal facility. Imagine how complicated the process could be for handling such waste?

I know, passionate environment friendly people like Dr. R C Agarwal often remain ignored, but such people are real asset to the society. They show us a way foreward for the betterment of our cities, country and the whole world.

Just a humble request. Please initiate doing so at your own level. From the very beginning, you's be reducing load on waste handling facilities, and after a few moths, you'd start observing the positive outcomes of the simple approach.

About Me...

D K Singhal is B.E., M.E. (Pulp & Paper, 1993) from Deptt. of Paper Technology, University of Roorkee (now IIT, Roorkee). Also Certified Energy Auditor, 2004 with Bureau of Energy Efficiency. In addition to practical experience in papermaking, project planning, research and development, consultancy, automation etc.; energy conservation, environment and cost reduction are the main areas of concern. 

With more than 100 publications, emphasized on development of low cost technologies and management practices for quality and profitability improvement constantly sharing knowledge and experience with others. Also written a book Gathering the Rolling Experiences having many management case studies related to pulp & Paper. The book has been published by Rigi Publication, Khanna. The soft copy of the book is also available in the Paper section of this website. Some of the publications can also be seen at and


B.E. (Pulp & Paper), 1990, IIT Roorkee

M.E. (Pulp & Paper), 1993, IIT Roorkee

Certified Energy Auditor, Bureau of Energy Efficiency

Chartered Engineer, Institution of Engineers


Life Member, Member of Editorial Board, IPPTA (Indian Pulp & Paper Technical Association)

Life Member, SEEM (Society of Energy Engineers and Managers)

Member, IAEMP (Indian Association Energy Management Professionals)

Member, IEI (Institution of Engineers)

Member, CHD-15, BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards)

